Friday, April 27, 2007

Testing 1 2 3

Ok, so, lately I've turned into a bit of a movie junkie. I can't get enough of them. I love watching them, and I love talking about them.

I have another blog where I talk about my love for movies of late.. and sometimes even delve into what I thought of a certain movie I just saw, but really... I try to avoid that the best I can mainly because I'm not sure if my friends who read it really care about what I think about a movie I just saw.. so I don't want to flood my blog with thoughts and reveiws that may just be overlooked. That's not the reason I have that blog. I have that blog to talk about what's happening on my mind or in my life, not about how fucking amazing Grindhouse was.

So, I earlier, when I got home from seeing a movie it hit me.. why don't I try to keep a blog where I just spill what I think about a movie or hell, even a game or album I just bought. I'm a total nerd for summarizing my opinion in the form of a structured reveiw and since I don't want to do said thing in my blog, why not just make one primarily for that? That way I don't flood my main one with useless stuff not many people will read. Everyone wins, because I can get my fix of praising the god that is Grindhouse, and the like, 4 people who read my shit don't have to be bothered with it =D

And hell, if they don't mind and like reading it, then they're more than welcome to.

As of now it's a bit of an experiment because i really don't know how updated I'll keep it. Although to be honest I do see enough movies to update quite frequently so i think it's a matter of how entertained I can stay.

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