Monday, April 30, 2007

Van Wilder 2: The Rise Of Taj

Ok, so, I can't really explain it, but Van Wilder is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can watch that movie over and over and never get tired of it. Ever. It's pretty funny, has it's smart moments and really is just overall enjoyable.

Memorable, basically, is what best describes it.

So obviously I had to check the sequel, Rise Of Taj. When I first saw this I immediately thought cash in. Van Wilder's character isn't even in it shy of a few references, instead they rely on Taj, Van's assistant in the first. In this one he had upgraded from the shy peon to the confident cool guy who followed Van's footsteps.

This time, he meets up with a bunch of seemingly hopeless losers but does his best to show them the best in themselves and overcome obstacles and give them self esteem and blah blah blah. Spoilers: Taj gets a girl. Who didn't see that one coming.

Heh, the point here is.. the formula is practically the same as the first with a major cosmetic change (It's in England this time) and a change or two to the formula. I mean hell, the snooty self loving "villian" even makes an appearance. This time he's English, though, and can fight with swords too. Intimidating.

Ok, so what I thought...

Even though it was very very similar to the original and even feels a tad cheap at times, it's still quite enjoyable, to be honest. It's funny and has a few shining smart moments, although they are few and far between compared to the original.

The best thing about it though, even though I poked fun at it about it, is that it sticks to the original formula well and builds on it and makes it work again. I think that's why i liked it because it reminded me of the first.

Admittedly it's not quite as memorable or as good or as funny.. but who knows, I could be a tad biased because I love the old one so much, but that's not to say this one isn't good..

Quite the contrary, it was quite good. unfortunately though, Taj just can't fill Mr. Wilder's shoes.

A cash in all the way for sure... but a good one that makes the material work again.

(I'd give the original Van Wilder a 9.6)

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